Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Simulator 2012!!!

Simulator 2012

Room 21 was so excited on Tuesday 19th June because they were allowed to have a turn in the simulator. Everyone in our class had a 5 minute turn starting from 12:00 to 2:45.
Some of us even had to go on the simulator during lunch time. There was an enormous computer screen that looked like you were flying over Auckland city. There was a man in the simulator that told us what to do and how to fly it. There were lots of controls but we were only allowed to use the steering stick. We got to fly under the Harbour Bridge (which is illegal in real life). Some of us crashed or were so close to crashing. You could also feel the man helping you fly the simulator but worst of all it's time to go.

In class we have made a cardboard helicopter to sit in and work in during class time e.g. SSR, Reading, Writing, Spelling and more. The helicopter represents the westpac rescue helicopter (although it doesn't quite match up to the real helicopter). 
This is our helicopter with room 21 in wacky hair

Caelan's nice hair-do

By Kate and Jessica


  1. wow this is such a good blog thing. I like the idea of the helicopter in youre class

    1. Thanks Kate! It was lots of fun to make and we all enjoy working in the helicopter :)

      From Room 21
