Monday, 12 March 2012

Water Wise

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Hi this is the new year for PVS and this is a new start to our blog.

our latest trip was the trip to water wise. We would go down to the beach and do a variety of things including water confidence, learning how to sail an opti and then sailing one on our own and kayaking.
Everyone liked water wise and will soon be going again!

Here is a slide show to show you our excellent day!

Blog writer: John&James


  1. Hi Room 21 - great start to your blog. Room 3 can't wait for you to post more about your learning in the Senior school. Keep up the good work.
    Our big blogging day is Thursday so you will get some more comments from Room 3 very soon.
    Enjoy World Environment Day tomorrow.
    From Mrs Laburn

  2. When are you going to put more things on your blog Mr Wright?

  3. Orlando and Robbie14 June 2012 at 10:32

    Nice room 21 that was really exiting.
    I hope I will go there when I'm your age. I even want to go Kayaking at the beach that you went to . I will want sail a boat. By Orlando and Robbie.
