On Friday the 8th of June Room 21 and Room 22 went to the ARHT hanger. On the bus it was very noisy and Josh, Zac W., Zac C. were singing run away baby by Bruno Mars.
When we got to the hanger we lined up in our groups and group 1 went to Russell Clarke the paramedic. He talked to us about what a paramedic does. Karla did a test to show how much air was circulating through her body she got 100%. Then he took my blood pressure and it hurt a lot but the worst thing was it was on adult so he had to do it again.
Next we went to the pilot Bruce Joy and he talked to us about the helicopter and showed us the engine. We got to sit inside the helicopter and he showed us all the compartments. There were heaps of buttons!
Then we had the crewman Mark Cannell who showed us how to work the night vision goggles which was really cool. He also showed us the winch and all the attachments for it. one was the Petzel harness next was the armpit and back strap and last was the rescue nappy Zac C. was our demonstrator for the nappy. Then it was time for the lip light. Have ever tried to hold a torch in your mouth without all your spit running down the torch on to your baby brother or sister in the dark when your playing hospital
games? Well the lip light is on the side of the helmet. You turn it on with the touch of your lip so drool does not run down on to your bro or sis that brings us to the end of the crewman experience.
After that it was the funding manager. He talked to us all of the sponsors and why they were sponsoring them the main reason was to get there company noticed.
That was our last activity in the hanger next we had lunch and then went to wait our turn to have a look on the police boat in our activity groups. The police boat was massive and inside looked like a mansion on water. In the control room John the maritime officer showed us all the controls and gizmo's which was really cool. Then Zac.w thanked John for showing us around his boat.
Anyway our trip was over and then everyone was talking about the trip and how it was cool and I
think me Leo that it was the best trip ever. For more information on the crew and helicopter click the link
westpac rescue helicopter website