Thursday, 6 December 2012

Athletics Day

On the 25 Thursday October it was Athletics Day. We were separated into age groups A, B & C.
We did lots of activities including High Jump, Long Jump, Softball Throw, Playground, Ripper Rugby Tag, Parachute, Sprints, Dodge Ball & Skipping plus Shooting.

Everyone had lots of fun and we all got play with the Botany Downs College kids on that day and when everyone finished all the activities we watched the finals for Sprints. Then on the 3rd of November they handed out the certificates for High jump, Long jump, Softball Throw, Relays and sprints. Then they all have to spend their lunch time practicing all those sports and making sure they are in good condition for the internationals. A while later they got their results and they all did very well. Congratulations to all the participators!!!  

By John & Stella 

Wednesday, 5 September 2012



On Monday and Tuesday the 27th and 28th we had technology.It was our last lesson for our whole point view school years.Us kids took advantage.Before we tell you we are supporting a really cool charity the Westpac helicopter so we were doing something similar and donating but making something for someone alse. This very last lesson we were making was cd/dvd/book shelfs/holders/ we could choose between skinny wood or fat wood the good news was skinny wood was easy to cut but the bad news was the fat wood was harder to cut.With the wood we could make any shape we wanted for the side some people made 1d shapes apple shapes or just plain.After we could sand the wood with the MONSTER machine to make it smoother.Then make some holes for the sticks to go in.After that we had painting.To make it dry faster we had to get a tissue called poo poo paper :(.Its drys so fast.Next we had carving we at least carve 1 maori pattern like koru,tiki and many more.And then we could do whatever we wanted to calve.Some of us including me were called the calving hogs.At the end they all looked really cool I think everyone loved their gift.

By Nikaylyn


Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Ardmore Visit Part 1

As part of our learning about helicopter we have been very lucky to have Kate's Dad take us out to his work at Ardmore airport where we go to sit in and learn lots about how helicopters work. Scan our QR codes to find out some of the thing that we have learnt.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Chopper Challenge


On Wednesday 8th of august room 21 went to do the chopper challenge we had 4 instructors

And We Did Very Fun Activities Like These Ones

Ladder Climbing

Sit-ups Burpies And Push Up

Stretcher Carry


Simulator 2012!!!

Simulator 2012

Room 21 was so excited on Tuesday 19th June because they were allowed to have a turn in the simulator. Everyone in our class had a 5 minute turn starting from 12:00 to 2:45.
Some of us even had to go on the simulator during lunch time. There was an enormous computer screen that looked like you were flying over Auckland city. There was a man in the simulator that told us what to do and how to fly it. There were lots of controls but we were only allowed to use the steering stick. We got to fly under the Harbour Bridge (which is illegal in real life). Some of us crashed or were so close to crashing. You could also feel the man helping you fly the simulator but worst of all it's time to go.

In class we have made a cardboard helicopter to sit in and work in during class time e.g. SSR, Reading, Writing, Spelling and more. The helicopter represents the westpac rescue helicopter (although it doesn't quite match up to the real helicopter). 
This is our helicopter with room 21 in wacky hair

Caelan's nice hair-do

By Kate and Jessica

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Trees For Survival

On Friday the 15th of June, all the students from Room 24 and Room 26 from 2011 went to Trees for Survival planting day. As we arrived, everyone started to smell cow poo, not surprisingly, we were planting on a farm, a muddy farm! We had to plant 1000 plants in one day. We planted in the field, and on the wet land, which was the really muddy part, and a boy called Nathan that was planting in the wet land, lost his gumboots in the muddy mud! We had the job of either digging or planting, as we were planting it felt like instead of the amount of plants decreasing it was increasing! After a nice long day of planting, it was finally time to have lunch! On the menu was hot dogs and burgers, as well as toasted marshmallows and jelly babies! ‘Back on the bus everyone!’ Mrs Rhodes yelled. Finally, we arrived at school with a story to share.

By Karla and Mikayla


First look.

Having fun!

We deserved a break!
Finished product!

Somerville Choir Festival

Choir students in the Sommerville Intermediate zone joined forces and sung at the Somerville music festival. 6 schools were singing including our school. The schools were PVS (us), Shelly Park, Botany Downs, Willowbank, Our Lady Star of the Sea and Somerville. Each school had an exciting item to share. We sung eleven songs including our school item. Our school item was 'Count on me' by Bruno Mars. We had to sing Cantate Domino (a latin piece), Someone like you, Andrew Lloyd Webber medley, Frim Fram sauce, It don't mean a thing, Every time I feel the spirit, 
How can I keep from singing, Walking in the air, Wouldn't have nothing and more. The festival was so much fun.

By Kelly and Kate.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Westpac Rescue Helicopter


On the 24th of May the Westpac Rescue Helicopter landed on our field at Point View School.
The crew members and other news reporters went in the helicopter with them and even interviewed our teacher because he has been hurt before and has been in the helicopter.

Heres a video of that day!


Thanks for watching!
Blogger: Zac.C & John

Monday, 18 June 2012

Camp 2012

Camp 2012

On the 8th of May we went to camp. On the bus we got deafened by the girls with their terrible singing. It was so horrible. When we got to camp we put our bags in our cabin. We saw a goat named Bob Marly bro. After we put our bags in the cabin and other stuff like that we had to go to eat lunch. 

Then we got to play in the reck centre. Soon after that we played top town games which was fun. In one of the games we had to come up with a name and a chant. Our name was fribblenauts and our chant was "3 2 1 naut who are we THE FRIBBLENAUTS!!! 5 6 7 8 who do we eliminate all the rest we're the best we are the FRIBBLENAUTS". They said it wasn't the best ;( but it was alright for us. 

After that we got free choosing time and the pool was open only that day so we made the most of it and got an obstacle course and you had to find a way to get across it. Some people ran and some skimmeed across it. No one that ran got across fully. 

That night we had nachos for dinner. Also that night we barely got any sleep because we were not used to those beds. The next day we had our first breakfast our choices were toast, coco pops and rice bubbles mixed, cornflakes and porridge. 

Then we had our first activity which was kayaking which was really fun. Then we got changed into our wetsuit and went to are second activity which was the confidence course. What you had to do was work as a team to complete activities. Next we had lunch which I forgot what we had. Our last activity for the day was Go karts/Adventure trail. First my group had adventure trail which you climbed up steep slopes went through a cave and pulled yourself up a rope. Then we had go-karts which was so fun. You have to drive a kart around a track. 

After that we had dinner and we had which i also forgot what we had. The next day we had the same food for breakfast. Then we had bush tech and we had to make a hut out of bamboo string and tarpaulin mine worked well enough. We then tried to make a fire and it worked until Matthew smacked a tree with a charcoal ands water came off the leaves and put out the fire. 

Next we had animal survival witch was my favorite activity. In animal survival you have to catch the animals under you in the food chain and if you are at the bottom of the food chain you had to run away from every one else. I lost one life and matthew lost three. (we went on a boat) After that we went back on the boat and we were soooooo muddy we had to have a shower. Then we had lunch which was Mrs Mac's pies it was yummy. And after that good meal we climbed a wall and it was cool also we did the high ropes thing like at tree adventures. You could also try to stack milk crates. It was fun I got 15. And for dinner we had butter chicken and rice and for desert we had laming-tons. 

That night was the camp disco. Some people got dressed up in there best clothes some didn't (Matthew, Zac) the music was loud and dome people were silly and jumped off the stage I knew who was being silly and who was sick and other stuff like that because I wrote day 3 on the camp blog and I needed some were not loud to write. After the disco we went and sat down and watched a slideshow of what had happen that day (because we did with every night) After the slideshow people got awards for doing stuff. Then we sung a few songs (for example I'm a believer and buttercup.) By that time it was 10:30 so we all went to bed.

The next day we had breakfast and then we went to the hall and Mrs hibberd told us that we were going to do volcanoes. We had to go onto the animal survival boat to a different island and we made a bonfire and the idea was to make the most smoke. Sadly we did not win we came 4th out of 6. After that  we had lunch we had hot dogs. After that we went on the bus to school and go home.

The End
By Zac and Matthew

Friday, 15 June 2012

Hockey Field Day

On Monday the 11th of June the Year 5 and Year 6 students went to the hockey field day at Lloyd Elsmore Park. The Year 5's went at 9 till 11:50 and the Year 6s went at 12:00 till 2:30. There was two teams for the Year 5 and two teams for the Year 6 and we played 4 games each. It was not a nice day for the Year 6's it rained while we played. For one of the Year 6 team they lost 2, drew 1 and won 1. The other Year six team won 3 and lost 1. We all got hot chips and some lollies for our good work and one team got hot chocolates. There were lots of different schools from all around Auckland there. Even though it was a cold day the rain and sprinklers were so nice. It was time to go goodbye hockey field day for 2012 we all went into the cars and came back to school. Hockey field day is so cool and a good experience.

By Mikayla & Nikaylyn

ARHT Hanger Trip

On Friday the 8th of June Room 21 and Room 22 went to the ARHT hanger. On the bus it was very noisy and Josh, Zac W., Zac C. were singing run away baby by Bruno Mars.

When we got to the hanger we lined up in our groups and group 1 went to Russell Clarke the paramedic. He talked to us about what a paramedic does. Karla did a test to show how much air was circulating through her body she got 100%. Then he took my blood pressure and it hurt a lot but the worst thing was it was on adult so he had to do it again.

Next we went to the pilot Bruce Joy and he talked to us about the helicopter and showed us the engine. We got to sit inside the helicopter and he showed us all the compartments. There were heaps of buttons!

Then we had the crewman Mark Cannell who showed us how to work the night vision goggles which was really cool. He also showed us the winch and all the attachments for it. one was the Petzel harness next was the armpit and back strap and last was the rescue nappy Zac C. was our demonstrator for the nappy. Then it was time for the lip light.  Have ever tried to hold a torch in your mouth without all your spit running down the torch on to your baby brother or sister in the dark when your playing hospital
games? Well the lip light is on the side of the helmet. You turn it on with the touch of your lip so drool does not run down on to your bro or sis that brings us to the end of the crewman experience.

After that it was the funding manager. He talked to us all of the sponsors and why they were sponsoring them the main reason was to get there company noticed.

That was our last activity in the hanger next we had lunch and then went to wait our turn to have a look on the police boat in our activity groups. The police boat was massive and inside looked like a mansion on water. In the control room John the maritime officer showed us all the controls and gizmo's which was really cool. Then Zac.w thanked John for showing us around his boat.

Anyway our trip was over and then everyone was talking about the trip and how it was cool and I
think me Leo that it was the best trip ever. For more information on the crew and helicopter click the link  westpac rescue helicopter website

Monday, 12 March 2012

Water Wise

                                                               WELCOME TO...

      free glitter text and family website at

Hi this is the new year for PVS and this is a new start to our blog.

our latest trip was the trip to water wise. We would go down to the beach and do a variety of things including water confidence, learning how to sail an opti and then sailing one on our own and kayaking.
Everyone liked water wise and will soon be going again!

Here is a slide show to show you our excellent day!

Blog writer: John&James

Technology Term 1


At technology we made some flags that represent ourselves we had to sew them and design them too and we also had a great time making them and some people even made one flag for Mr Wright.